
how to remove pimple scars| get rid of acne scars | How To Use Lemon For Scarring & Dark Spots | Naturally Healthy Skins

2016-06-09 2 Dailymotion

I’m an Australian currently living in Japan, and loving it! My channel has loads of DIY videos relating to acne and acne scarring, since that is something I have suffered with for many years (and continue to suffer with). I decided to turn my negatives into positives, and share what I’d learned about this skin condition with all of you. So if you’re new to my channel and wondering why there’s so many videos about skin care, that’s why!

These days however, my focus has changed. I was accepted to the JET Programme in 2014, and my new life chapter began! I’m currently living in a semi-rural prefecture, as an ALT at 3 senior high schools. I drive a lot, go out a lot, and enjoy living my life in gorgeous Japan. I’m now kind of a J-Vlogger, showing you my everyday life in my weekly vlogs. But I also want to keep the essence of my original channel purpose, too, so that’s why there are additional weekly videos about skin care, beauty and life in Japan. Hope this clears some things up, and gives all you cutie newbies some info about me too! Thanks for tuning in, and please feel free to message me any time on my various social links. Cheers!

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